You’re inconsistent when it comes to working out regularly...
You’re inconsistent in saving more & swiping your credit card less...
You’re inconsistent in having date night every Friday.
But you’re consistent in the way that you see yourself...
“The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent in the way that we see ourselves.” ~Tony Robbins
You’re consistent in your self-image & that’s why you’re not seeing any progress.
Recently I was reading “Fearvana” by Akshay Nanavati & in it he wrote that you’ll never do more if you don’t see yourself as more...
You’ll never run a 50 miler if you only see yourself as a marathoner...
You’ll never make $10 million if you only see yourself as a $100k’er...
Every day you’re fighting w/ consistency...the need to stay consistent w/ the way you see yourself.
Automation is crushing your progress...
You’ve worked hard to establish yourself...
& that’s the problem...bc you’re not re-establishing yourself.
It’s not your fault...your brain is wired to work within the limitations (whether placed or accepted) you’ve staked.
🔥Why not shatter your self-image?
“You can either be a product of your environment or a creator of it.”
When you feel like you can’t go another step...& you can’t hang another second, you’ve reached the end of your self-limitations...
And you still have 60-70% still in reserve.
Being at the brink brings you to an wakes you up from automation.
🔥 “Set the pace or accept the pace.”
Setting the pace is variable...accepting the pace is fixed.
If you want to grow, stay out of automation.
Professional athletes work their ass off to re-establish themselves.
🔥Add variety & pressure to your day.
“What is it I do consistently every day?...Where can I add inconsistency to bring about a new intensity?”
When I find that I’m unhappy it’s because I’ve lost my variety..add inconsistency.
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