"When you're a kid, everything has a question mark at the end of it. Only later do they turn into periods or even exclamation points. 'Will I get over this?' becomes, 'It's too late...." becomes 'I can't get over this!' My only hope for my future is I learn to dot the landscape of my life once more with question marks instead of periods. To turn judgments into queries. To turn 'this' into 'that?' To turn every problem into a maze." ~ Today we riff from James Altucher's book, "Choose Yourself," & look at the fact of how many periods we put in our lives every single day. Declarative and exclamatory remarks such as, "I can't." "It won't ever happen." "I'm too _____." "I'll never (get promoted), (get out of this), (come back or get over this!)" are hindering your destinations. **Thanks for catching the show! (That's a good exclamation point :) Subscribe, share, & rate to help spread the message of the show to others. **Connect with me on Facebook @ Marsh Buice & let me know your takeaways from today's show.
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